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1. This recruit is for a nationally televised focus group that will take place on THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 3RD in NYC in the studio. Cameras will be in the room. Only your first name is available to them without your direct, verbal consent onsite. We are asking more questions than usual because we have to make sure that we have a truly representative sample of the population. Would you be interested in participating in this opportunity? *This question is required.
6. Were you born in the United States? *This question is required.
8. What is your gender? *This question is required.
9. How interested would you say you are in politics and government policy? (0 indicates no interest at all, 5 indicates moderate interest, and 10 indicates very significant interest.) *This question is required.
10. How many days a week do you watch the news on TV, listen to news on the radio, read a daily newspaper, or read news online or through social media? *This question is required.
11. Are you a registered voter in New York? *This question is required.
12. Thinking back over all local, state, and national elections that have been held since you registered to vote, have you voted in….? *This question is required.
13. Thinking of all the elections that you have voted in, would you say that you generally vote for...? *This question is required.
14. Which candidate did you vote for in the 2008 presidential election? *This question is required.
15. Which candidate did you vote for in the 2012 presidential election? *This question is required.
16. Who did you vote for in the Presidential primary this year? *This question is required.
17. And what is your opinion of Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton? *This question is required.
18. And what is your opinion of Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump? *This question is required.
19. And if the presidential election were held today, and you had to choose between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton, who would you vote for? *This question is required.
20. How likely is it that you would consider voting for Democrat Hillary Clinton for President? *This question is required.
21. How likely is it that you would consider voting for Republican Donald Trump for President? *This question is required.
22. How likely is it that you would consider voting for Libertarian Gary Johnson for President? *This question is required.
23. Was there ever a time in the last year when you seriously considered voting for Hillary Clinton? *This question is required.
24. Was there ever a time in the last year when you seriously considered voting for Donald Trump? *This question is required.
25. Is it truly possible that you could vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? *This question is required.
29. As you make up your mind whom to vote for, will you be voting more in favor of a candidate or against a candidate? *This question is required.
30. When you think of America, some people say they are "mad as hell", are you?
And finally, a few demographic questions to make sure we have the right representation of the public…
31. When it comes to politics, how outspoken do you consider yourself? *This question is required.
32. What is your highest level of education? *This question is required.
33. What is your total yearly PERSONAL income? If you are retired, please answer what your personal income was just before you retired. *This question is required.
34. What is your total yearly HOUSEHOLD income? If you are retired, please answer what your household income was just before you retired. *This question is required.
35. What is your current employment status?
38. If you had to pick ONE of the following, which ONE best describes your ethnic/racial background? If other, please specify. *This question is required.
39. We are conducting what is called a focus group, in which you will participate in a group discussion. You will be asked to discuss your opinions on the current election cycle – this group will be recorded and clips will be shown on national TV.

If you wear glasses or contacts, please wear your contacts or bring glasses with you. If you wear a hearing aid, please wear it for the session. You must be able to read, hear, and speak clearly and easily. There will be materials to read and comment on, as well as video presentations you must be able to see, hear, and understand.

Because this is a group discussion you will be required to voice your opinion and participate in conversations that will be aired on TV. If you are nervous about speaking in public, you should not attend.

This is important. If you are sick or have a re-occurring cough, you will be asked to leave because it will disrupt the session.

Will any of this be a problem for you?
*This question is required.
Again, because this is a televised session, there will be cameras and boom mics in the room. If you are at all uncomfortable expressing yourself, please let us know.
40. By completing this questionnaire, you are agreeing to notify us of any current, short term circumstances which would prevent you from attending our focus group. That includes but is not limited to: responsibility to care for others, illness, personal health issues, and professional or personal scheduling conflicts.

Are there any current circumstances which would prevent you from attending our focus group TOMORROW (Thursday, November 3rd)? *This question is required.
41. Would you like to receive future notices about Luntz Global focus groups and events? *This question is required.
42. I pledge that all answers provided to this questionnaire are true and correct. I agree that, as a condition of participation, I will not talk about, record, post, publish, or publicly disseminate, either online or in print, any information about the contents and experience of this session. I understand that all information presented in the focus group is strictly confidential and I will not share this information outside of the focus group. *This question is required.